Camping - What belongs in the backpack

The camping backpack
You can also camp away from campsites and even a little wild. In the Alps, wild camping is tolerated in some regions. Instead of camping, the term “bivouacking” is more commonly used in the wilderness. In addition to the legal regulations, you also have to pay particular attention to the equipment. When tent trekking, along with the tent, the backpack is one of the most important items.
Before choosing a backpack, you should first consider the duration of the planned tour. The duration gives you a better overview of how big the backpack should be. What exactly are we planning? A day tour, a weekend tour or a long hike? In addition, you also need to know what additional activities are planned. If you plan other activities besides hiking, the demands on your backpack quickly increase. You also have to think carefully about how much clothing you want to take with you and, above all, what quality. This means that e.g.b T-shirts and underwear made of Merino wool provide good warmth and repel odors, but more variations are needed for functional underwear. This means that individual parts have less weight. Ultimately, you have to examine the largest component, the tent. There are bivouac tents that weigh as little as 0.5 kg and for a single man the weight of the tent should be less than 2 kg.
The volume of the backpacks is always given in liters. This tells us how much space we have, but what is more important is how much weight we have to carry. You should always adhere to the rule “maximum 25% of your own body weight”. Here, of course, the exceptions more or less confirm the rule. The duration of the hike or of the camping trip is also crucial. What heavyweights are there on a trekking tour? In addition to the tent, the cooking tools are particularly heavy. The pots, the cutlery, a gas cartridge and the food itself quickly increase the weight we have to carry.
A few tips: Everything we need for this trip is also available in the lightweight version and it's really worth investing in. They quickly pay off on some tours. A spoon only consists of a few grams and you can prepare most dishes with it.
It doesn't matter whether you stay in the wilderness or in the mountains for two days or a whole week, you usually choose the classic trekking backpack variant. The alpine backpacks are also slightly smaller, very compact and, with their 30 to 40 liters, are true miracle tools. What you need to pay attention to here is that larger tents will not fit in these. However, they are great for lighter bivouacs. When it comes to the size of the contents, you play it safe and choose a trekking backpack with a volume of 50 liters or more. Even larger backpacks have two disadvantages. You have less freedom of movement, which can lead to uncomfortable situations while hiking in the mountains and the weight becomes heavier.
Camping in the wilderness brings with it many dangers. A good backpack can at least defuse one source of danger. You should not forget that the quality of the material, the filling, the carrying system and the weight play a big role in whether we will fail on the tour or whether we will be able to finish the tour having fun. We wish you much success in your search for a suitable backpack and lots of fun in nature!
Packing and checklist for camping (for men and women together)
· Money & Finance
Of course, at the campsite we also need cash to go shopping at the supermarket or to go somewhere to eat. You should also research beforehand whether there is an ATM in the area. If you are camping abroad, you will need foreign currency and to withdraw your money, your EC or Credit card. We recommend that you take two wallets with you, for example a small trouser wallet and a neck pouch. This way you don't always have to carry all your money with you. This also reduces the risk of losing all your money at once. It's also useful to save your bank's emergency numbers in your cell phone in advance if you have problems with your credit cards. You have to remember that sometimes you may be in an area where it is difficult to do research on the Internet.
- Cash and foreign currency
- Chest pouch with blocker for EC cards and credit cards
- Bank emergency telephone numbers
- Wallet
· Hygiene
It's a bit more rustic when camping, but you still need a few hygiene items. Depending on your personal needs, this definitely includes hair and skin care, tooth brushing and shaving items. If you are camping in the wilderness, we recommend using biodegradable soaps, toilet paper and washing powder. We benefit from two pockets for cosmetic items, similar to wallets. You should have a hanging laundry bag that you usually leave in the tent. You can have everything in there, from your makeup kit to your nail scissors. When you set off, only take the things you really need with you in a cloth bag. If you don't want to keep sorting things back and forth, you can of course take the whole bag with you. The toiletry bag should definitely be hanging up because you don't always have enough storage space. Sometimes everything is a little under water, but you are very grateful for a catch.
- Apres Lotion
- Hairbrush - comb
- Deodorant - shower chunks
- Shampoo, conditioner, etc.
- Seat pads
- Hair dryer - comb - hair tie
- Contact lenses - accessories, toiletry bag - laundromat - Labello - lip balm
- Nail care set - ear swabs, razor
- Make-up utensils - make-up removal wipes - sunscreen
- Tampons - feminine hygiene products - handkerchiefs - contraceptives - condoms
- Detergent - toothbrush + toothpaste
· Clothing
Nowhere are outdoor clothing as important in terms of comfort and functionality as on a camping trip. Your packing list should always include a few jackets for different weather conditions that you can put on and take off like onions. Fleece, softshell and rain jackets are the most important ones. You should also have functional underwear with you (also for sports and hiking). Mosquito-proof trekking pants are also good because you can get bitten by mosquitoes very often. That's why you should wear them especially in the evening, when mosquitoes are particularly busy. Swimming gear shouldn't be missing from your packing list if you're camping near a lake or ocean. Whether you include a bathrobe on the packing list is your decision. In addition, depending on the weather, you should not forget your hat or baseball cap and especially your sunglasses!
- Bathrobe - swimming gear - fleece sweater or jacket
- Wool functional underwear - belt
- Pants - shorts, short pants - jeans, long hats - caps - hats
- Out and indoor shirt, outdoor shirt, mosquito-proof outdoor blouse, mosquito-proof rain jacket - rain cape
- Pyjamas - pajamas - socks
- Sunglasses
- Trekking pants – mosquito-proof hiking and functional socks
· Cooking / Grilling
Nothing is nicer than being able to sit on the camping chair in front of the tent in nature or at the campsite after a (possible) sunny day and eat something. If you're lucky and the weather permits, barbecuing at the tent is particularly nice. Of course, you need the things that depend on your personal taste and space capacity. The best thing about a camping trip is that the equipment can be easily divided when you are camping with a group. The minimalists among campers are always the ones who can usually get by with very few items. You then have more options for dividing the backpacks.
Attention: You must buy the gas cartridges on site as they are not allowed to be taken on the plane.
- Cutlery and crockery for camping - camping grill - camping stove
- Can and bottle openers - corkscrews - food storage boxes
- Charcoal and lighter - Coffee maker - Bialetti - Handpresso - Wooden spoon - Spatula
- Hot plate - kitchen knife - peeler - kitchen roll - napkins - aluminum foil - cool box and bag
- Garbage bags - cutting board - bowl for salad etc.
- Dishwashing liquid - sponge - cloth - dry cloth - dishwashing bowl
- Thermos flask and bottle - toaster
- Pots - pans, water canisters, kettles - water purifiers
· Food / Drink
Whether you take the food with you camping or whether you can buy it on site depends on your destination and the type of holiday. At larger events you will sometimes come across a shop on site where you can buy some things. If you're camping in the middle of nowhere and want to be isolated, you're probably not near a shop and would rather stock up on groceries beforehand.
- Alcohol - Beer
- Bread - rolls - toppings - butter - canned food - bagged soups
- Meat - Sausages - Vegetarian Coffee - Tea - Sugar
- Ketchup - Sauces
- Nibbles and sweets - muesli - milk
- Pasta
- Salt and pepper
- Soft Drinks - Water
· Medicines / Pharmacy
Of course, it's always difficult to decide whether to take some things with you or not. However, it can be very valuable to have a good first aid kit with you. Above all, mosquito repellent is very important. Wasp and mosquito stings or tick bites not only annoy and bother you, but can also be dangerous. You should have prevented with relatively different means. Otherwise it can be relatively expensive if you have to buy these products, such as mosquito spray or sunscreen, at your holiday destination. A few headache tablets wouldn't hurt if you've crawled into the tent and it hurts. You should definitely not forget to take a few plasters and anti-blister plasters with you for the hikes!
- Blister plasters - first aid kit - fever tablets
- Mosquito repellent - mosquito spray - mosquito repellent for clothing - insect bite healer - personal medication
- Pain reliever - tick card or tweezers
· Papers & Documents
You usually don't need many documents while camping, especially if you are camping inland. All you need there are the documents for the parking space, provided you have received them in advance. Safety pins to attach the camping pass to your tent are also very practical. If you are not traveling by car, you will also need the documents for the trip. Otherwise, as with any excursion, you should include ID cards, a driver's license, a travel document, etc. on your packing list. Write camping guides and your health insurance certificate when you are abroad.
- ADAC documents - address list
- Foreign and domestic health insurance
- Driving license (international / national) - if applicable. Vehicle registration document - vaccination certificate - if applicable. Allergy pass
- Card - map, health insurance card - rental car documents - ID card - passport -
- Passport cover
- Student ID card - diving certificate - sailing license - vignettes - toll tickets
- Visa if required - Directions
- Train ticket - Bahncard - flight ticket
· Backpacks & Bags
There are people who drag their rolling suitcase around the campsite, and there are people who prefer to travel with their large trekking backpack or travel bag. In our experience, it's handy if you can rummage through a large travel bag. A trekking backpack is easy to carry, but can become quite confusing in the tent. Of course, if you have more space, you can also use tent hanging cupboards and clear out all your stuff. You should also have a daypack with you, as this is ideal for day trips and when shopping in the supermarket. You only need the zip bag when you fly. Packing cubes will help you sort things clearly and find them again quickly. We definitely recommend waterproof bags (plastic bags or zip bags) so that you can keep your clothes dry in wind and weather.
- Dry Bag - pack sack (waterproof) - rain cover for backpack (rolled)
- Travel bag - daypack
- Packing cubes - clothes bags
- Zip bag for shampoo etc.
· Shoes
On camping holidays you actually wear flip flops more. However, sometimes you get problems with your toe joints and are happy when you can slip into your light hiking boots. These are very warm and pleasant, especially in the evening when the temperature drops a little. You should definitely wear bathing shoes or shoes for the beach and showers. Wear flip flops. In case it gets wet, we recommend rubber boots. We would leave at home the shoes that are more sensitive to dirt or easy to rub and that you wouldn't end up wearing anyway.
- Flip Flops
- Slippers
- Slides
- Rubber boots
- Sandals
- Shoes
- Hiking shoes
· Other
Depending on your taste, there are many things that camping lovers want to have with them. For example, this would include a portable ashtray, an inflatable pillow, travel towels, musical instruments, sewing tools and the padlock for the tent. In case one of your partners or your tent neighbors snores, you should have Oropax with you. A sleeping mask is also advisable because it can get light early and disrupt your sleep. A thermos bottle that you can fill with drinking water is also included.
- Inflatable pillows - glasses - contact lenses - case - book - magazine - lighter - matches
- Hand brush - cable ties - carabiner - air pump - bellows
- Musical instruments - sheet music - sewing kit - Oropax - earplugs
- Umbrella - travel blanket
- 1 - 2 travel towels - scissors
- Writing equipment - sleeping mask
- Lanyard - safety pins
- Outdoor games - indoor games
- Headlamp - flashlight + batteries - pocket knife - tools - telescopic ladder
- Table tennis blade and ball - padlock for the tent - clothesline, pegs - water bottle
· Swimming / Beach
If you ever camp by a lake or ocean, you should have the things you need for swimming on your packing list. For some this might just be large travel towels or an umbrella, but for others it could include beach toys, mats and a beach sofa. Maybe you want to go snorkeling so take fins and diving goggles with you. You decide this based on your preferences and your space capacity.
- Toys – boat, inflatable lounger - sofa - flippers
- Swimming goggles - snorkel - mask - water wings and ring - parasol
- Beach shelter - beach safe - money hiding place - beach towels - wind protection
· Technical equipment
You don't need a lot of technology when camping because we want to switch off our heads. Surely you still want to have a cell phone, a pair of headphones, a charging cable and maybe your eBook reader with you? Distributors are of course very useful so that you have enough sockets available at the same time. If you use your Handz a lot, you should also take a power bank with you.
ADVICED: If you have booked electricity at a campsite, you usually have to think about the CE plug!
- Bluetooth speaker - digital camera incl. Battery
- Digicam cover and case (waterproof)
- CE plug - eBook reader - external battery for the cell phone - cell phone incl. Charging cable - mobile phone case, headphones
- Headphone adapter for 2 people. Chargers for electronics - SD card
- Socket strip - extension cable - cable drum
· Camping / Sleeping
It's nice when camping that you can appreciate the luxury of having the right bed and a roof over your head again. You should be equipped so that you sleep almost as comfortably in the tent as in your bed. But if you prefer to go light, you can get by with a simple sleeping pad or an air mattress for a few days. Depending on the local temperature and weather conditions, a thin sleeping bag would also be sufficient. A bed sheet that you stretch over the air mattress is also very practical. Here is the experience from the last few years: Because storms and storms have increased significantly recently, tarpaulins and guy ropes are also much more important. To do this, you should use sturdy pegs instead of simple pegs, which hold better even when wind speeds are at peak levels.
- Bed linen - camping lantern - camping chair - camping table - blankets - rubber mallet - pegs
- Hut sleeping bag - waterproofing spray - sleeping mat
- (folding) spades - lanterns - torches
- Linen - straps for tensioning - air mattress
- Duct tape - pavilion - tarpaulin - sleeping bag
- Sun sail or umbrella incl. Rods - tension straps
- Tension ropes with hooks, tea lights - candles
- Telescopic rods for tensioning - toilet paper
· Corona
- Hand disinfection
- Proof of vaccination - proof of recovery - face mask
More tips for campers
As you've learned enough from this packing list, camping is a real gear battle. Except that you take a minimalist approach and take very few things with you. However, many people who go camping at the campsite have a lot of equipment with them when they arrive at the campsite. We have collected a lot of experiences and knowledge from camping, which we have summarized for you below:
- Sufficient advance notice: Start creating your packing list and collecting your luggage at least two weeks before departure.
- List: With sufficient advance notice and if you write everything down calmly, you won't forget anything.
- Plastic bags or zip bags keep clothes dry. Even if the humidity is high or it rains.
- In the packing cubes you can see your belongings, hygiene products and other utensils better and find them quickly.
- Use carabiners and S-shaped hooks so that you can get as much off the ground as possible.
- Mosquito protection is very important: Always equip yourself generously so that you don't end up in a bottleneck.
- It is better to wear functional and practical clothing (e.g.b: mosquito-proof pants and blouses) instead of fancier clothes.
- Because storms and severe weather have increased, you should take plenty of straps, lines and telescopic poles with you.
What I wouldn't take with me
Finally, we would like to give you a few tips based on experience that we picked up but didn't need. These are things you can safely leave at home:
- heavy items that dry late, such as jeans or cotton,
- Things that have high value and are easily lost,
- Rubbing or uncomfortable shoes that rub,
- Books that can be easily used. It's better to take a Kindle or used books with you,
- Things that are light in color and can get dirty quickly,
- Ceramic tableware such as plates, bowls, mugs. Instead of these, better plastic dishes.
If you would like to download and print this list, you can do so HERE.
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