The magic of the heath landscape: A hiking experience in the Northern Eifel

The magic of the heath landscape: A hiking experience in the North Eifel

The mountains and valleys of the North Eifel are not only a paradise for mountain sports enthusiasts, but also for everyone who appreciates the beauty of nature. One of these natural beauties is the heathland, which is in full bloom, especially in the summer months, and attracts hikers from all over the world.

A walk through the blooming heather

The heath is a unique ecosystem characterized by its open landscapes dominated by heather. In the North Eifel, this landscape stretches for several kilometers and offers hikers a breathtaking view. Especially in August, when the heather is in bloom, the landscape turns into a sea of ​​purple and violet that shines in the sun.

The route: Simple yet impressive

The hike through the heath can be classified as easy with a length of 11.4 kilometers and only around 50 meters in altitude. But don't let the simplicity of the route fool you. The path leads not only through the open heath landscape, but also through small forest sections that are crisscrossed by narrow paths. This combination of open spaces and wooded areas provides a varied backdrop and ensures that the hike is never boring.

Tips for the hike

If you are planning to visit the heath in the North Eifel, there are a few things you should keep in mind:

  • Time: The best time for a hike through the heath is in August, when the heather is in full bloom.
  • Sun protection: Remember to protect yourself from the sun, especially in the open heath areas where there is little shade.
  • Footwear: Since the path is mostly flat and easy to walk on, light footwear is sufficient.
  • For families: If you are traveling with children, there is a soccer field nearby that can be used as a playground.


The hike through the heathland of the Northern Eifel is an experience that should not be missed. The combination of the blooming heather, the quiet forest paths and the breathtaking views make this hike an unforgettable experience. Even if there isn't a big highlight on this route, it's the little things that make it special: the blooming heather, the silence of the forests and the fresh air of the mountains.

So, if you are looking for a unique hiking experience that will refresh you both physically and mentally, then the heathland of the North Eifel is just right for you.