The fascination of the Eifel Camino: A journey through picturesque landscapes and spiritual places

The fascination of the Eifel Camino: A journey through picturesque landscapes and spiritual places

The mountains and valleys, the vast fields and dense forests – hiking in such surroundings can be a profound experience. Especially if it is a pilgrimage, like the Eifel Camino. This special route takes hikers through some of the most beautiful landscapes and at the same time offers the opportunity for inner contemplation.

The second stage: From Kruft to Mayen

The journey begins in Kruft and extends over a distance of 14.6 kilometers to Mayen. During this hike, hikers climb around 280 meters in altitude and 150 meters in descent. Despite the relative shortness of the route, it offers a variety of impressions and experiences.

Thürer Wiesen nature reserve

One of the highlights of the route is the Thürer Wiesen nature reserve. A place that shows the beauty of nature in all its glory. Here you can enjoy the tranquility of the surroundings and relax. It is a place that invites contemplation and offers hikers the opportunity to focus on the spiritual aspects of the journey.

Fraukirch: A spiritual stop

Another notable place on this stage is Fraukirch. This small pilgrimage site houses a simple but impressive church. The altar invites you to pause for a few moments and let your thoughts wander. It is a place of peace and tranquility that offers hikers the opportunity to engage with their spirituality.

Some tips for the trip

Although the route is relatively easy to complete, there are a few things hikers should keep in mind. In warm weather, it is advisable to take sunscreen with you to avoid sunburns. Much of the route is on asphalt, which may make it less attractive for some. Nevertheless, the route offers enough opportunities to enjoy the beauty of nature and concentrate on the spiritual aspects of the journey.


The second stage of the Eifel Camino from Kruft to Mayen offers a mixture of natural beauty and spiritual depth. Although parts of the route may not be ideal for everyone, it still offers a unique experience for those who undertake the journey. It is an opportunity to experience the beauty of the Eifel while finding time for reflection and contemplation.