The magic of the Bergisches Amazon: An adventure along the Wupper

The magic of the Bergisch Amazon: An adventure along the Wupper

The mountains are calling! And with them the untouched nature, the breathtaking views and the adventures that await in the depths of the forests and along the river banks. One such trip took us along the Wupper, often referred to as the "Mountain Amazon", and offered us a mix of natural beauty and cultural discoveries.

A walk through the woods

The journey began in Solingen, where the route “The Wupper Bergischer Amazonas” runs between Lüder and Untergehen. The beginning of the path led mainly through dense forests, on narrow paths that gave the feeling of being immersed in another world. The rustling of the leaves, the chirping of the birds and the gentle rippling of the water created an atmosphere of peace and serenity.

The beauty of the Wupper

During the walk there was always an impressive view of the Wupper. The river meanders through the valley, glistening in the sun as it is bordered by dense forests and picturesque towns. This section of the tour was undoubtedly the highlight, with breathtaking views and moments of tranquility on the riverbank.

Cultural discoveries and local delicacies

However, the trip was not just a nature experience. There were also cultural discoveries along the way, including a fascinating little museum that offered insights into local history and culture. And for those craving a refreshment, there were several restaurants offering local delicacies.

A mixed experience

Although most of the tour was enjoyable, there were parts that were less impressive. The second part of the route in particular led mainly over wide, asphalted paths. But even in these sections, the view of the surrounding landscape offered some comfort.


The journey along the Wupper was an unforgettable experience that highlighted both the beauty of nature and the cultural treasures of the region. Despite some unimpressive sections, the entire experience was worthwhile and offered numerous opportunities to discover the magic of the Bergisch Amazon.

So if you are looking for an adventure in the middle of nature and at the same time want to discover the local culture and history, you should not miss a hike along the Wupper.